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She's a Mood Reader

She's a Mood Reader

I’m always fascinated by people who put together monthly TBRs for themselves. I’m what you would call a mood reader, I basically only pick up books I’m in the mood to read at the moment. It’s not uncommon for me to be reading 2 - 4 books at a time. My most common mix is a marketing/business book, a romance, and either a memoir or self help book. Those categories typically fit any of my moods.

If I find myself overwhelmed with life or particularly swoony, I reach for the romance.

If I’m still on work mode at the end of the day or on a weekend, I’ll open up whatever marketing or business book is on my side table.

And sometimes a memoir is the perfect solution to getting out of my head and walking that hypothetical mile in someone else’s shoes.

How can I predict my moods and put together a TBR to fit that? Impossible! Also my brain is an utter jerk because as soon as something is even suggested to be ‘required reading’ it shuts down and turns to another direction. This also makes me a horrible book club member.

Even the way I pick out my books is weird. At times, I will literally sit or stand in front of one of my bookcases and just scan my books until a cover jumps out at me. It can take a minute or it can take up to twenty.

So I’ll carry on my mood reader nonsense, I quite like the spontaneity of it all. Would love to hear if you’re a mood reader or if you plan your reading out in advanced, leave it in the comments!

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Favorite Black Romance Novelists

[Book Review] Tools of Engagement by Tessa Bailey

[Book Review] Tools of Engagement by Tessa Bailey