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[Book Review] Tools of Engagement by Tessa Bailey

[Book Review] Tools of Engagement by Tessa Bailey

I really enjoyed Tools of Engagement, it was a funny and steamy read (thx to the publisher for the gifted copy)! I still think the second book in this series was my favorite but this was right up there. Seeing Bethany push herself to move forward and face her fears (and imposter syndrome, perhaps?) was really great and hope it inspires people to take charge and go after a dream that scares them. I loved the chemistry between her and Wes, so steamy! The only thing that kind of threw me (and made me laugh bc it was a little ridiculous) was his weird possessive/jealous comments. IRL I would laugh at any guy who did that and throw a “bitch, please” in there as well.

I like how the show provided the platform to keep things moving along which in turn also fueled some of the drama and excitement. I will say, I’m a sucker for a book that has a kid in it. It just adds that additional layer of feels!

Overall, this book did literally make me laugh, cry, and fan myself 😂

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